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HDD Recovery with Serial Interface
Revover your data from bricked HDD via serial interface ...I had a Seagate ST31000333AS model 7200.11 1TB HDD and it's stop working. That was an external HDD in USB case. I was using for backup and I tried to get some files from my HDD and I couldn't reach the drive. HDD motor start to spin up but after couple seconds heads are parking and spin down and start over again (forever). I tried to be optimistic and I thought AC adapter was broken and not enough power for USB box, I plug it to Desktop but result was the same. I fixed many HDD before some of my friends (notebook, desktop, Raid 5 etc) but this time it was my data's Read more
PCB with Pozitiv 20
Kendi elektronik devrenizi üretmek isterseniz basılı bir karta da ihtiyacınız olacaktır. Bu durumda birkaç yöntem var; kalemle çizmek, lazer yazıcıdan kuşe kağıda baskı alıp ütü ile transfer, yeni teknoloji "PNP" kağıda baskı alıp transfer, cnc ile kazıyarak oluşturmak yada pozitif 20 ile hazırlamak. Read moreSail Boat Restoration
Hurda halde almış olduğum yelkenli teknenin restorasyon aşamalarını ve teknik bilgilerini bu bölümde bulabilirsiniz. Read moreHTC Flyer GSM feature
I'm an Android addict. This is my 4th android device. But unfortunately phone feature is disabled by default. Surprise Posted in : Elektronik, ProjelerComments: No commentsTags: elektronik, projeksiyonRating: 0/6 (0 votes)